
Mistress Consulting – What The Heck Is That?

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작성자 Earnest
조회 1,035회 작성일 23-08-02 23:23


Supporting status quo and passing white ladies in embodying the work Watch Femdom Porn 2023 Online of collective liberation.

Work with Mistress Syndrome

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Consulting, Curriculum Development & Training


Coaching & Groups


Support & Facilitation

Dismantle harmful systems.

Move towards relational & communal healing.

Work for transformation & justice.

"My coaching times with Amanda have given me a space to freely share my thoughts, feelings, questions, and wonderings as I work to detangle myself from the norms of white supremacy culture. I am so grateful for her mentorship in work that is often very isolating."

-Coaching Client

This healing work is a constant, challenging, and ever-evolving process. Whether you’re brand new or have been engaged in this work your entire life, I invite you to seek support and connection with those who are asking courageous questions and are deeply committed to the messiness of ongoing transformation.



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